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I travelled to India in July 2018 to visit my 89-year old grandma or, as I call her, manna after a long time. This visit was especially significant as earlier in the year I lost my maternal grandma to Alzheimer's and now manna is the only living relative I have from that generation. This demise was also particularly hard on manna as she feels the loneliness more than anyone else. I decided she needed a change in mood and focus in her life and this is also when I discovered that she had been spending her time sewing and stitching bags from old clothes for the past few years and that she made quite a collection of around 200 bags! They were being wantonly gifted away to friends and family. I myself had used one of her creations, the year earlier, as a gift for my then girlfriend. It dawned on me how enterprising it all was and how blind we all were towards it. From this was born Latika’s Bags: A legacy that would honour manna’s craft and give her an identity that is more than someone’s mother or grandmother. It would also be the focal point for the family and the entire world to discover this resolute and industrious woman.
Creating the website took me two days. ‘Day 1’ was dedicated to planning and writing all the content, photographing all her bags with only a smartphone and ‘Day 2’ was used for creating the site on Squarespace, setting up a Facebook and Instagram page and writing a rudimentary “Press release” for my few friends in the industry.
Latika Chakravorty is my 89-year old grandma who loves collecting old clothes, saris, kurtas, from all over India and recycling them into one-of-a-kind handbags and pouches. With every bag you carry history and a unique story.
‘Latika’s Bags’ is the online venture I helped her start to celebrate her legacy. The site went viral in August 2018 and reached almost 9 million people from over 64 countries including India, Brazil, Germany, Australia, USA, and even Bhutan and Uzbekistan in 3 months.
RESULTS & ANALYTICS (22 July 2018 – 2 October 2018)
25.8K Unique Visitors
Over 9 Million Media Impressions
Published in Times of India, India Times, Asia Times, ScoopWhoop, News 18, Franchise India, Radio Mirchi and more.
1 very happy grandma!